There are correct ways to use a mask

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There are correct ways to use a mask

In Japan, it has long been customary to wear a mask even when you are not suffering from a cold. This is mainly a sight you can see in Japan when the flu is in full swing or when pollen is in the air.

There are correct ways to use a mask
There are correct ways to use a mask

The reason people in Japan wear masks is partly to protect themselves from infections. Some people outside of Asia have never used a mask before.

You don't have to wear a mask that simply covers your mouth. There are correct uses that you need to know.

The virus adheres to the surface of the mask
The virus adheres to the surface of the mask.

COVID-19 has been shown to drift in the air for a long time. The virus then sticks to the surface of the mask you're wearing. So you should not  touch the surface of the mask.

Don't touch the surface of the mask
Don't touch the surface of the mask

Children tend to touch their faces and mouths with their hands unconsciously, so the adults around the chidren have to teach them.

How to wear a mask correctly
How to wear a mask correctly

When you wear a mask, you must wear it so that it covers your nose to your chin. Also, creating a gap between the edge of the mask and the face is not a good thing.

Wrong use
Wrong use

Wearing a mask on your face makes it harder for the other person to hear you. But you shouldn't treat the mask this way for that reason.

Pinch it with your fingers to close the gap.
Pinch it with your fingers to close the gap.

The nose part of the disposable mask has a soft metal built into it. When you put the mask on your face, you need to pinch the metal part of it with your fingers. This is also important to avoid creating a gap between the mask and your face.

By pinching the rubber part of the mask with your fingers.
By pinching the rubber part of the mask with your fingers.

Even when removing the mask from your face, you should not touch the surface of the mask. When you do, be sure to remove the mask from your face by pinching the rubber part of the mask with your fingers.

Don't use disposable masks repeatedly. Why not make your own mask cover to make the most of the hard-to-find disposable masks? Washing a mask cover made of cloth will allow you to use it over and over again.

You can use disposable masks many times! How to make a mask cover.

The mask does not have the effect of completely protecting you from COVID-19. However, it is necessary to prevent people who are already infected from infecting others.

You'll need to get rid of the idea that you don't need a mask because you don't have any symptoms. Every person is like, "You may already have the virus yourself. I think we have to think and act on this.

In Japan, a virus infection was recently found in a 0-year-old child. Let go of the idea that you're okay.

Don't throw used disposable masks on the road. COVID-19 is said to last for hours to days. If the mask is contaminated with the virus, someone else will be infected with it. When you throw away a disposable mask, you need to put it in a plastic bag and seal it up.

I would like to express my condolences to those lost by COVID-19 and my deepest sympathies to the family of the deceased. 

I sincerely hope for a speedy recovery for all those who have been infected.

See you.


Japanese Onomatope Introduction


The source of COVID-19 is Asia, but not Japan.
Please get the right knowledge and protect you and your family from the virus.


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日本で生まれ育った地球人です。I am a Earthling born and raised in Japan.
