Rules of Kanji


Rules of Kanji

I explained in an earlier article that Japanese is a language that uses two kinds of Kana characters, Hiragana and Katakana.

Japanese is expressed using not only Kana characters but also "Kanji". "Kanji" originated in China and was introduced to Japan a long long time ago. However, even though the meanings of the characters are the same, the way they are read in Japanese is quite different.

Rules of Kanji
Rules of Kanji

About rules of writing "Kanji"

There are many ways to read Kanji. Also, when you write it, try to follow certain rules.This time, I will introduce some of the Kanji that Japanese first graders learn at school.

This character is the Kanji for the number 3.

Number 3
Number 3

There is a rule that Kanji should be written from the top.

This character is the Kanji for river.


We have a rule that Kanji should be written from the left.

This character is the Kanji for the number 1000.


As you can see, some Kanji have vertical and horizontal lines. When we write these Kanji, we write them in the order of horizontal and vertical lines.

This character is a Kanji for a sentence.


In this case, we draw a line that extends to the lower left first, and then to the lower right.

This character is the Kanji for the middle.


In this way, when you draw a vertical line at the center of a Kanji character, we draw the center line at the end.

There are exceptions. This is the Kanji for tree.


In this case, we draw the center line first, then a line that extends to the lower left and a line that extends to the lower right.

This is the Kanji for the number 4.

number 4
number 4

In this way, in the case of writing square on the outside, we write square on the outside first.

This is the Kanji for water.


So if there is a center line and left and right, we draw the center line first.

This is the Kanji for dog.


When we write a dot in the upper right like this, we write the dot at the end.

Japanese first graders learn 80 Kanjis in a year at school. For foreigners studying Japanese, please don't rush and learn one by one.

80 Kanjis
80 Kanjis

Each Kanji has its own meaning. There are many combinations of 2 ~ 4 words.

But once you understand the meaning of each Kanji, you will also be able to understand those meanings.

Don't rush, but hang in there.

See you.


Japanese Onomatope Introduction


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日本で生まれ育った地球人です。I am a Earthling born and raised in Japan.
