Japanese first graders "Juku-go" vol.3


Japanese first grader's "Juku-go" vol.3

First grader's 熟語じゅくご 3
First grader's 熟語じゅくご 3

This is the third time Japanese first graders learn idioms at school.

大雨(おおあめ oo-ame)

Don't approach the river when it rains heavily.
Don't approach the river when it rains heavily.

Oo-ame no toki wa, kawa e chikazuite wa ikemasen.

Don't approach the river when it rains heavily.

大雨(おおあめ oo-ame)= the rain heavier than 雨.
In contrast, 小雨(こさめ ko-same)
~の時(~のとき ~no toki)= when
近付く(ちかづく chikazuku)= To approach. 「ちかづく」is correct, not 「ちかずく」.

大入り(おおいり oo-iri)

There are a lot of customers today,too.
There are a lot of customers today,too.

Kyou mo okyaku san wa oo-iri desu.

There are a lot of customers today,too.

お客・お客さん(おきゃくさん okyaku-san)= customers
Only 客(きゃく kyaku)is rude name.
入り(いり iri)= enter

大男(おおおとこ oo-otoko)

Many sumo wrestlers are big men.
Many sumo wrestlers are big men.

osumou san niwa oo-otoko ga ooi desu.

Many sumo wrestlers are big men.

相撲(すもう sumou)= Japanese traditional martial arts
お相撲さん(おすもうさん osumou-san)= Sumo wrestlers
大男(おおおとこ oo-otoko)= big man and men
In contrast, 小男(こおとこ ko-otoko)= little man & men
多い(おおい ooi)= many

大口(おおぐち oo-guchi)

That man is always hitting the big mouth.
That man is always hitting the big mouth.

Ano otoko wa itsumo oo-guchi wo tataite bakari iru.

That man is always hitting the big mouth.

男(おとこ otoko)= man
男たち(おとこたち otoko tachi)= men
いつも itsumo = always
大口をたたく(おおぐちをたたく Oo-guchi wo tataku)= This is not to hit a mouth. Let's remember this as a phrase.
ばかり bakari = Let's remember the word with "always" .「いつも~ばかり」

大空(おおぞら oo-zora)

I want to fly in the sky.
I want to fly in the sky.

Boku wa oo-zora wo tonde mitai.

I want to fly in the sky.

ぼく(boku)= A boy calls himself.
大空(おおぞら oo-zora)= big sky
飛ぶ(とぶ tobu)= fly
~してみたい(~shite mitai) = want to ~

大手(おおて oo-te)

He works for a big company.
He works for a big company.

Kare wa oo-te kigyou de hataraite iru.

He works for a big company.

企業(きぎょう kigyou)= company
働く(はたらく hataraku)= work
~している(~shite iru)= have been,

大手(おおで oo-de)

Let's shake the major and go home.
Let's shake the major and go home.

Oo-de wo hutte kokyou e kaerou.

Let's shake the major and go home.

大手(おおで oo-de)= the action of waving one's hand
故郷(こきょう kokyou)= home town (This is also called Furusatoふるさと.)

帰る(かえる kaeru)= go home
~ろう(~rou)= let's ~

大目(おおめ oo-me)

I'll give you a break this once.
I'll give you a break this once.

Konkai dake wa oo-me ni mite age mashou.

I'll give you a break this once.

今回(こんかい kon-kai)= this time
だけ dake = only
大目に見る(おおめにみる oo-me ni miru)= forgive(Let's remember this as a phrase.)

あげる ageru = give

大文字(おおもじ oo-moji)

The alphabet has upper and lower case letters.
The alphabet has upper and lower case letters.

Alphabet ni wa oo-moji to ko-moji ga aru.

The alphabet has upper and lower case letters.

大きい(おおきい ookii)= big
小さい(ちいさい chiisai)= small
文字(もじ moji)=  text

小川(おがわ ogawa)

A little river runs through this forest.
A little river runs through this forest.

 Kono mori no naka ni o-gawa ga dagare te iru.

A little river runs through this forest.

森(もり mori)= forest
木(き ki)<  林(はやし hayashi)< 森(もり mori)
~の中に(~のなかに ~no naka ni)= into
流れる(ながれる nagareru)= flow

お手上げ(おてあげ ote-age)

I'm at a loss for toilet paper.
I'm at a loss for toilet paper.

Toilet Paper ga naku natte watashi wa ote-age da.

I'm at a loss for toilet paper.

無い(ない nai)= lost
お手上げ(おてあげ ote-age)= in a manner that surrenders

お手本(おてほん ote-hon)

First of all, the teacher showed us an example.
First of all, the teacher showed us an example.

Mazu hajime ni, sensei ga ote-hon wo mise te kureta.

First of all, the teacher showed us an example.

まず初めに(まず はじめに mazu hajime ni)= at first(Let's remember this as a phrase.)
先生(せんせい sensei)= teacher
お手本(おてほん o-tehon)= example
見せる(みせる miseru)= show
くれる kureru = give

男手(おとこで otoko-de)

This job calls for men.
This job calls for men.

Kono shigoto ni wa otoko-de ga hituyou da.

This job calls for men.

仕事(しごと shigoto)= job or work
男手(おとこで otoko-de)= man's power, or men's power
必要(ひつよう hitsuyou)= necessary

大人(おとな otona)

Children are called adults when they grow up.
Children are called adults when they grow up.

Kodomo wa ookiku nattara oto-na to yobareru.

Children are called adults when they grow up.

子供(こども kodomo)= child or children
大きくなる(おおきくなる ookiku-naru)= grow up
呼ばれる(よばれる yoba-reru)= be called ~

大人気(おとなげ otona-ge)

Don't say such a childish thing.
Don't say such a childish thing.

Sonna oto-na-ge no nai koto wo itte wa ikemasen.

Don't say such a childish thing.

そんな son-na = such
大人気のない(おとなげのない otona-ge no nai)= childish (Let's remember this as a phrase.) There is no such thing as "大人気がある(おとなげがある otona-ge ga aru)"
 in this case, not  "だいにんき dai-nin-ki(= very popular)"
言う(いう iu)= say
いけません ikemasen = Don't ~

大人しい(おとなしい otona-shii)

The dog in that house is very quiet.
The dog in that house is very quiet.

Ano ie no inu wa totemo oto-na-shii.

The dog in that house is very quiet.

犬(いぬ inu)= dog or dogs
とても totemo = very
大人しい(おとなしい oto-na-shii)= quiet

That's it for this time. See you.

note: I used Vecteezy image material in this article.


Japanese Onomatope Introduction


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