What I thought when I started this blog


What I thought when I started this blog

I wrote a second post on this blog.
This time, I have a " 反省会(Hansei-kai) ".

Japanese is a very complex language
Japanese is a very complex language

 " 反省会 " is like a meeting. This is to remember the good and bad parts after a sports game and think about a plan to connect to the next one.

I am not a professional Japanese teacher, so I have never taught Japanese to anyone.

So I don't know what Japanese learners want to know. First of all, I wrote about how to count numbers in Japan.

In order to write it, I wrote what I had in mind without looking at the text, and at the same time I made a video. I will not make videos in the future. It takes time.

I also studied English at school before. Unfortunately, I couldn't become able to speak English just by studying at school.

This is because many English teachers could read English but were not good at speaking English. That's why I learned English only from English written on paper.

English education in Japanese schools is too focused on passing entrance examinations.

In order for Japanese people to be able to speak English, I think they need teaching materials that teach English with correct pronunciation. For example, it is a teaching material which has English subtitles of conversations in Hollywood movies.

Don't people who are currently studying Japanese have the same idea?

You can understand the meaning of what is written in the text by looking it up in a dictionary. But that alone does not allow you to listen to Japanese and speak the same.

When I was thinking about that, I realized something. It's also possible to communicate with simple words, like a small child talking to an adult.

To communicate with simple words

Grandpa, would you get that for me?

Which one is that?

The one over there.

Is that it?

Yes, that one.

This is how children learn to speak little by little. Even more like this.

What are you doing with this?

I want to tap.




Well, I don't need it.


"Grandpa, I want to hit this so please take that stick."

Even if the child doesn't tell him like this, his grandfather will ask him questions one after another, so the child's conversation will be successful. Many of the conversations people talk about in daily life in Japan are slightly more complicated than this.

So you should try to memorize the basic nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs by yourself and occasionally skip subjects and objects when you have a conversation.

When I thought about how I should convey Japanese, I realized that Japanese is a very complex language.

Many Japanese also learn Japanese at school for over 10 years. When I look back on what I learned in school, I realize again that these are huge amounts.

I feel sorry for people from overseas who want to learn Japanese from now on. However, I would be happy if you could get used to Japanese little by little without feeling rushed.

See you.


Japanese Onomatope Introduction


The source of COVID-19 is Asia, but not Japan.
Please get the right knowledge and protect you and your family from the virus.


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日本で生まれ育った地球人です。I am a Earthling born and raised in Japan.
