Nihongo - About Kana characters and pronunciation
Youtube - " NIHONGO - Hiragana and Katakana "
I started this blog when I found out that many people around the world are interested in and studying Japanese.
I will introduce simple Japanese here. I can't teach you Japanese specifically. Because I don't have a teacher's license.
You might get bored with content that uses only letters. So I plan to use videos and images as teaching materials.
First of all, please start by learning "Hiragana" and "Katakana" which are the basics of Japanese.
There is no distinction between "L" and 'R' in Japanese pronunciation. Therefore, some people may have difficulty in pronunciation at first.
Use a mechanical synthetic voice for the video that you plan to provide as an educational material. The reason is:
I am not very good at English.
But I am happy that there are many people around the world who are interested in Japan and Japanese.
See you.